Grantmaking FAQ


The application window will open September 11, at which time a Request for Proposals (RFP) will be posted on the Elea website under the “Grant” tab.  The submission deadline is November 6, 2023. 

The application process will be fully online.  The link to the application portal will be provided in the RFP, along with application instructions.

The amounts vary and will be provided in the RFP. 

Grants may be made in the areas of charity care; education; and integrative services. Additional information will be available in the RFP.

No. Any organization fulfilling the guidelines in the RFP may apply.

Yes, though only one application per organization per grant program area, which are: charity care; education; and integrative services.  For example, an organization may submit a maximum of 3 applications if each proposal is for a different program.  It may not submit more than one application for the same program.

No.  You may submit one application and incorporate information about the location(s) where services, if funded, will be delivered.

Yes.  Elea carefully reviews the governance, operating, and financial activities of all grant applicants.  Proposals to fund charitable activities provided by for-profit entities may be accepted if the organization has clear expenditure responsibility guidelines in place and shares its process to ensure that all grant funds are used only for charitable purposes with no private benefit.

Yes, as long as the project is directly related to services within one of the named counties and the amount requested is to be used exclusively within the county (counties).

Yes.  Organizations with project budgets that include more than 15% of unrelated general operating costs may be disqualified, at the discretion of the Elea Board.  Operating costs related directly to the project at hand may be incorporated in a reasonable manner and a description of how the grant will be deployed should be outlined in the proposal.  

Elea prioritizes programs and services that increase the number of patients served and/or improve the quality of patient care.   However, proposals with other objectives may be considered. 

Yes.  Proposals related to outpatient and/or inpatient care will be considered.

Elea requires interim and final reports on each grant.  Report formats and deadlines will be included with the Grant Agreement.  

Please refer to the RFP. 

Please refer to the Application Guide instructions linked here.  If issues persist, please email Sarah Kain,

Yes.  Guidelines are outlined in the Grant Agreement.